ايلي عون: الكورونا والوزارة والشيطان/Elie Aoun: Corona, the Cabinet, and the devil


Corona, the Cabinet, and the devil
Elie Aoun/April 06/2020
ايلي عون: الكورونا والوزارة والشيطان

Lebanon’s Interior Minister issued on April 5, 2020 Order # 479 to control traffic movement, supposedly in order “to confront the corona virus.”
Car license plate numbers ending with an odd number are allowed on the roads on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; while those ending with an even numbers are allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
No vehicles are permitted on the roads on Sundays.
The problem with this measure is that it has nothing to do with what the Minister’s Order claims – which is “to confront the corona virus.”
Firstly, any logical person knows that any virus will not travel from one car driver to another – whether there are ten or a thousand cars on the same road. On an international level, how many people were infected while driving their cars?
Secondly, many people in Lebanon are facing severe economic and social conditions. The Lebanese Cabinet’s priority must be towards alleviating people’s suffering – rather than controlling their movements, which in many cases are arbitrary and have no justifiable link to prevention against a virus.
Thirdly, if the Cabinet truly cares about the health of its citizens, what contribution has it made to enhance the physical immunity of its citizenry?
Fourthly, if the Cabinet truly cares about the health of its citizens, it can begin by at least filtering the toxic fumes from the electricity plant in Jounieh, filtering sewage water before dumping them into the sea, cleaning the pollution in many of the country’s rivers whose water are used to irrigate agricultural products sold to the country’s citizens, and pursuing many other long list of beneficial measures.
It is evident from these facts that the Cabinet does not care about people’s health. The measures taken by the Interior Minister have nothing to do with caring about people’s health. To understand what is taking place, we have to think in a different context than the mainstream.
Now, what is the issue with the Minister’s Order about no cars on the roads on Sunday? Whether you believe it or not, the intent of the measure is to incorporate the country into the “dajjal system” with a total shutdown on Sundays.
Many religious leaders met on September 18th 2014 in Seoul, South Korea and signed the “Unity of Religion Agreement” in an event organized by the World Alliance of Religions. Catholics, Shiites, Jews, etc. were represented and signed the agreement.
At the end of the ceremony, the signers made the hand-sign used by the Lebanon’s Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), claiming that it is a V sign for victory. In reality, it is an inverse triangle pointing down (not up) giving power to the god below.
This can be viewed at minutes 31:00 – 33:00 of the below video.
The resemblance of the hand-sign with FPM’s is not a coincidence since the first leader of that group, and now president, had repeatedly called, including before the United Nations (September 26, 2018) and the European Parliament (September 11, 2018), for religious unity and transforming Lebanon into a center for global religious “dialogue.” The hand-sign has a “spiritual” meaning (so do all other political signs), and not simply what the misguided FPMers proclaim.
That “one religion” which they seek is certainly not about true faith.
Our Creator instituted the Sabbath as His day: keep ye my Sabbaths, for it is a SIGN between me and you in your generations, that ye may know that I the Lord do sanctify you (Exodus 31:13; 31:17; 20:10) (Ezekiel 20:12) (Romans 4:11).
Jesus Christ observed the Sabbath, not Sunday (Mark 1:21; Luke 4:16), and so did the early Christian church (Acts 13:14; 16:13; 17:2).
The Book of Revelation points out that God has an emblem, a mark, identifying His people. Satan also has an emblem, a mark that identify those who support him. Satan is working through an earthly power—symbolized in Revelation by a beast—to impose his mark.
God’s sign is the Sabbath (Exodus 31:13; Hebrews 4:10; Revelation 7:3).
Satan’s sign is Sunday. The Sunday rest was an ordinance instituted by man. A person will be marked in the forehead (the mind) by a decision to keep Sunday as a holy day.
Knowing the signs will help people to decide what to receive and not receive.
One aspect of creating the one-world dajjal religion is by unifying all religious groups into one, under one god, the devil.
“Sunday was a name given by the heathens to the first day of the week, because it was the day on which they worshipped the sun. … The seventh day was blessed and hallowed by God Himself, and … He requires His creatures to keep it holy to Him. This commandment is of universal and perpetual obligation.” Eadie’s Biblical Cyclopedia, 1890 ed., p. 561.



Disclaimer: View expressed by the writer in this above editorial reflect his own and do not reflect in any way the LCCC publisher & owner’s point-of-view.