أماكن توزع مستودعات الميليشيات الإيرانية في محافظة دير الزور/MEMRI: Syrian Opposition Website Reveals Precise Locations Of Iranian-Backed Shi’ite Militia Bases In Deir Al-Zour


Syrian Opposition Website Reveals Precise Locations Of Iranian-Backed Shi’ite Militia Bases In Deir Al-Zour
أماكن توزع مستودعات الميليشيات الإيرانية في محافظة دير الزور

MEMRI/08 August/2019

On July 30, 2019, the Syrian opposition website Ein Al-Porat published a report on its Facebook page detailing the locations of the Shi’ite militias supported by Iran in the Al-Mayadin and Deir Al-Zour region in eastern Syria. The report indicates the locations of the bases and storehouses of these forces and provides details about the weapons in their possession, as well as aerial photographs. According to the report, active in the area are Fatemiyoun militia forces, comprised of Shi’ites of Afghan origin, members of the Iraqi Al-Nujaba movement, and Hizbullah-Lebanon – all of which are U.S.-designated terror organizations. Also stationed in the area are forces of the Baqir Brigade, a Syrian militia loyal to Iran, which in the past has declared its intention to confront the American forces in Syria.[1] The report also reveals that there are anti-aircraft missiles, shoulder-fired missiles, and guided missiles in the region as well. Some of the missiles are aimed at the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which are stationed on the opposite bank of the Euphrates River.

On July 2, 2019, the site published a similar report, specifying the locations of Iraqi and Lebanese Shi’ite militias supported by Iran in the Al-Bukamal area on the Syria-Iraq border.[2] These areas are of strategic importance to Iran due to their proximity to the border with Iraq, and because control over them will help Iran to realize its goal to achieve territorial contiguity from its domain up to the Mediterranean Sea and because of the presence there of American forces, which support the Kurdish forces in the area.[3]

The following is a translation of the report:[4]

1-Al-Mayadin: A Fatemiyoun militia base with 75 armed men who are also in possession of vehicles. Their mission: To patrol the city’s suburbs at night to prevent attacks from the desert.

2- Al-Mayadin: An Al-Nujaba movement base. There are approximately 100 men armed with heavy and light weapons. Their mission: To run the city of Al-Mayadin. They were sent at the instruction of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) [command] in Damascus.

3-Airport in Deir Al-Zour: Weapons storehouse which was taken over by the Iranian militias, following instructions from IRGC [command] in Damascus.

4-Deir Al-Zour: Weapons storehouses of the Iranian militia on Bur Sa’id Street, which house Iranian-manufactured missiles that were smuggled in [to Syria]. The area is closely guarded and under surveillance.

5-The city Al-Mayadin: The Baqir weapons base. There are about 100 armed men, including senior Iranian commanders, with heavy weapons, guided missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and the latest 4×4 vehicles. Their mission: To provide [weapons] to the Shi’ite militias located on the opposite bank of the Euphrates River.

6-Mahkan village-Al-Mayadin: A base situated in an agricultural area on the banks of the Euphrates, which is used by Iranian militias. There are four missile launchers aimed at Diban village, which is under the control of the SDF.

7-Mahkan village-Al-Mayadin: An Iranian militias’ base, where there are about 40 operatives with weapons, night vision equipment, and vehicles. Their mission: To surveil the movements of the SDF operatives posted on the parallel bank (the Jazira-Diban village axis).

8-The city of Al-‘Asharah on the banks of the Euphrates River: A Fatemiyoun militia base in the city of Al-‘Asharah where there are about 80 men armed with heavy and light weapons, including anti-[aircraft missiles], missile launchers, and shoulder-fired missiles.

9-Dahiyat Al-Assad-Deir Al-Zour: A Hizbullah-Lebanon militia base where there are about 40 armed fighters, and 15 of the latest 4×4 vehicles carrying anti-aircraft weapons of 12, 14.5, and 23 millimeters.

10-Dahiyat Al-Assad-Deir Al-Zour: An IRGC base in Deir Al-Zour where there are guided missiles and mortar shells. Their mission: To provide [weapons] to all the Iranian militias in Deir Al-Zour Province.

11-The city of Al-Muhassan, in the rural area of Deir Al-Zour: an Iranian militias’ base on the banks of the Euphrates, where there are 70 armed operatives who are citizens of various countries, four missile launchers, and shoulder-fired missiles aimed at Jadeed Ekedat village.

[1] Nedaa-sy.com, April 7, 2018.
[2] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 8162 Syrian Opposition Website Reveals Precise Locations, In Al-Bukamal, Syria, Of Iran-Backed Shi’ite Militias’ Military Outposts And Weapons Depots, July 9, 2019.
[3] See MEMRI Special Dispatch 7790 Syrian Opposition Websites: Iran Consolidating Its Presence In Eastern Syria, West Of Euphrates, To Form Continuum From Iran, Through Iraq And Syria, To Mediterranean, December 4, 2018.
[4] Facebook.com/euphrateseye, 30/7/2019.
