أوغندا بمساعدة جهاز الموساد تعتقل لبنانيًا عميلاً لحزب الله يدعى حسين محمد ياسين/Suspected Hezbollah Agent, Hussein Mahmoud Yassine Arrested in Uganda With Mossad’s Help


Suspected Hezbollah Agent, Hussein Mahmoud Yassine Arrested in Uganda With Mossad’s Help
Jerusalem Post/23 july/201

أوغندا بمساعدة جهاز الموساد تعتقل لبنانيًا عميلاً لحزب الله يدعى حسين محمد ياسين

كامبالا بوست: أجهزة الاستخبارات في أوغندا بالتعاون مع الموساد تعتقل مواطنًا لبنانيًا بشبهة كونه عميلا لمنظمة حزب الله
موقع أخبار مكاني/23 تموز 2019
أفادت صحيفة كامبالا بوست الصادرة في أوغندا اليوم ان أجهزة الاستخبارات في هذه الدولة اعتقلت بالتعاون مع جهاز الموساد قبل حوالي اسبوعين مواطنًا لبنانيًا يدعى حسين محمد ياسين مشتبه بأنه عميل سري لمنظمة حزب الله الإرهابية.
ووفق تقرير الصحيفة جرى اعتقال هذا الشخص الذي كان يعيش ويعمل في أوغندا منذ عام 2010 في مطار عنتبي لدى صعوده طائرة كانت ستتجه الى لبنان عبر اثيوبيا. وأشارت الصحيفة أن جهاز الموساد هو الذي ساعد في مراقبته على مدار أشهر .
وأضافت كامبالا بوست ان حزب الله أوعز الى هذا العميل برصد اهداف أمريكية وإسرائيلية في الأراضي الأوغندية وبتجنيد لبنانيين يسكنون فيها للقيام بعمليات لصالح المنظمة. وطالبت السلطات الامريكية والإسرائيلية بان تتم محاكمته في اوغندا ولن يتم طرده الى لبنان الا ان حكومة كامبالا لم تحسم بعد من أمرها. واحتج لبنان لدى أوغندا على عملية الاعتقال.

Suspected Hezbollah Agent, Hussein Mahmoud Yassine Arrested in Uganda With Mossad’s Help
Jerusalem Post/23 july/2019
Yassine, who has lived and worked in Uganda since 2010, was reportedly tracked for months before his arrest at the beginning of the month.
A Lebanese citizen suspected of being an undercover Hezbollah agent was recently arrested at Entebbe International Airport by Ugandan intelligence agencies with the cooperation of the Mossad.
A report published by The Kampala Post on Tuesday said that Lebanese national Hussein Mahmoud Yassine was arrested on July 7 while boarding a flight to Lebanon via Addis Ababa. He had arrived at Entebbe International Airport from Tanzania earlier that day.
According to the report, the Mossad informed its Ugandan counterparts about Yassine due to the close intelligence relationship between the two countries. An anonymous intelligence source told The Kampala Post that Yassine was recruited to the terrorist group by a senior Hezbollah official called Ali Wahib Hussein, known as Abu Jihad.
Yassine, who is suspected of working for the Hezbollah foreign liaison unit and has lived and worked in Uganda since 2010, was reportedly tracked for months before his arrest. According to the intelligence source, Hezbollah instructed Yassine to identify potential US and Israeli targets for terrorist attacks in Uganda; to recruit other Lebanese nationals for Hezbollah; and to attempt to recruit Muslim Ugandans to act as Hezbollah intelligence agents. The source also revealed that Yassine had already identified at least 100 Lebanese citizens living in the country for potential recruitment, including some working with telecommunications provider Africell. The US and Israeli governments, which alerted the Uganda government to potential terrorist suspects, were notified of Yassine’s arrest and demanded his immediate prosecution, the source said. The Lebanese consulate in Uganda sent a protest letter on July 10 to the Ugandan Foreign Ministry, claiming that the arrest will deter Lebanese citizens from doing future business in the country.
