الياس بجاني/الصهر جبران كارثة مارونية ولكن يلي عم يقوصوا عليه مارونياً هني رزم كوارث وكلامه عن السعودية مش عنصري


الصهر جبران كارثة مارونية ولكن يلي عم يقوصوا عليه مارونياً هني رزم كوارث وكلامه عن السعودية مش عنصري
الياس بجاني/11 حزيران/2019

بداية فإن كلام الصهر جبران عن السعودية والعمالة هو لغوياً ونوايا 100% بغير ما فسروه جماعة نفاق “الواقعية” وغيرون من الأشبال والفتيان الوصوليين من ربع ردات الأفعال يلي عملو منو قصة تا يبيضو وجوهون الصفراء والسودا وذميتون مع السعودية ومع المراجع السنية بلبنان.

هودي قمة في الإنتهازية وبإقتناص الفرص..

قول جبران بأن الأفضلية يجب ان تكون للبناني وليس لا للسعودي او الفرنسي أو أو .. هو كلام متافوري (Metaphoric) وتجريدي ليس فيه لا عنصرية ولا من يحزنون وحقيقة لا يجب أن يؤخذ بحرفية وبمفهوم التفكير الباطوني المسطح (Concrete Thinking and explanation).

والمصيبة هي ليست فقط بطول لسان وفجور الصهر، وبجوعه الفاحش للسلطة والهيمنة، بل في افتقاده لمستشارين صادقين وأكفاء حوله قادرين على شرح كلامه عن السعودية وغيرها من البلدن بمنطق وبطريقة علمية.

من منا على سبيل المثال لم يقل لأحد أولاده أو لأخوته “بدي اقتلك” إذا وإذا وإذا؟؟؟
فهل هذا يعني أنه ينوي القتل؟
بالطبع لا ..

لأن الكلام هذا متافوري (Metaphor) ويجب أن يفهم بإطار التفكير التجريدي (Abstract Thinking) وليس في أطار التفكير الباطوني (Concrete Thinking)..أي القراءة بين السطور لفهم المعنى المقصود.

نحن نستعمل المئات من الأقول والأمثال كل يوم لا مجال هنا لتعدادها وكلها تجريدية بمعانيها وليس باطونية.. وكلام الصهر عن السعودية وفرنسا وأميركا يندرج في هذ السياق وليس له أي صلة بالعنصرية والجينات وغيرها من التفسيرات الغبية.

واعتذار الصهر عن هذا الكلام  كما تبريره من الوزير جريصاتي هو قمة في الجهل.

وأكيد مش عم ندافع عن جبران لأنو نحنا بوادي وهو بوادي تاني.. وما في شي بيجمعنا معه لا وطنياً ولا مفاهيم ولا ثقافي ولا خيارات.

وأكثر من هيك.. نحن منشوف فيه كارثي مارونية، وكارثي سياسية، وقمة في الإنتهازية، أضافة إلى فجع سلطوي مقرف على خلفية مفهوم الإنجيل للبواب الواسعة.

وأكيد برأينا لا هو لا بيمثل التاريخ الماروني، ولا الثقافي المارونية، ولا عرف ولا بيعرف شو يعني هوية مارونية بمفهومها للبنان الكيان وللتعامل مع الآخرين،
وكمان منعتبر ذوبانو المصلحي والوصولي والذمي واللاماروني بحزب الله هو وصمة عار بتاريخنا الماروني واللبناني.

الصهر وسندة الضهر جبران ورغم كل سقطاطه وعوارض وغباءه السياسي، وأوهام العظمة يلي نافخي راسو هو مية مرة افضل من باقي انفار طاقمنا السياسي والحزبي الماروني المرت والذمي وخصوصاً اصحاب شركات أحزابنا التجارية.

هو على الأقل متحالف مع المحتل الإيراني ع المكشوف وهدفو كرسي بعبدا ومش فارقا معو إن بقي لبنان أو انقرض.. أو ضل في مسيحيي بلبنان أو فلو..

اما الباقين فكذابين ومنافقين ولوفكجيي وكل يوم من تحت الطاولة بيزحفوا ع الضاحية بالسر وبالعلن وبيقدموا وراق اعتماد لحزب الله.

ولو حزب الله قبلون كانو وقعوا معو مليون ورقة تفاهم اضرب من ورقة تفاهم مارمخايل بمليون مرة.

وكل يوم بيمجدوا بحزب الله وبيبعتولو برسائل علنية ومشفرة وبيتغنو فيه بمجلس النواب وبراتو.

كلون ويعني كلون متحالفين مع حزب الله شي تحت رايات محاربة الفساد والإصلاح وهني عارفين وشايفين انو هو الفساد بلحمه وشحمه.

وشي بحجة الملفات المعيشية وهني متأكدين أنو هالحزب الملالوي الإرهابي بدو يقطع عيش كل اللبنانيين ويفقرون ويهجرون ويستعبدون.

أو بيتشاركو معه بانتخابات نقابات ع اساس انو شريحة لبنانية وهني عارفين وشايفين انو لا هو لبناني ولا بيعرف شو يعني لبنان.

الفرق بينون وبين الصهر الفجعان سلطة ونفوذ إنو هني كذابين والصهر الملالوي والمريض بوهم العظمة واضح وعلني باتكاله على بارودة وإرهاب حزب الله تا يوصل ع الكرسي.

أما اخطر المرتين عنا نحن الموارنة هودي يلي مغيرين جلدون وكل يوم بيبخروا لهرطقة المارونية العربية ومش عارفين أنو العرب بيحتقرون لأنو يلي بيتخلوا عن ذاتون بيفقدوها والعرب الأحرار والمحترمين ما بيحبوا الذميين لأنو هني عندون يلي مكفيون.

العرب هودي بدون الماروني يكون ماروني ومش عربي ذمي.. شو فهمنا؟؟

باختصار نحن الموارنة اليوم عم نمر بزمن مّحل وبؤس وأشباة قادة وسياسيين..وهون المصيبة وهون الكارثي.

وسامحونا ع تسمية الأمور والأشياء والممارسات بأسمائها وعلى محاولات تشخيص وفهم علتنا الأساسية وإلا منكون بلا إيمان وبلا رجاء وشركاء مع الكتبة والفريسيين والذميين والزحيفي.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable

The Difference Between Concrete Vs. Abstract Thinking
By Julia Thomas
Updated December 20, 2018
The brain is a complex organ, and how it creates and processes thoughts is just as complicated. No one has the same way of thinking. What we think about, how we think about it, it all depends on the person.
With that said, there are still types of thinking that we can divide thoughts into. The main two are concrete and abstract, and we’re going to break both of them down for you.
What Is Concrete Thinking?
Have you ever met someone who seems to take everything too literally? They may be more of a concrete thinker. Concrete thinking focuses on what is physically around you. Concrete thinkers see a physical object and just think of what’s in front of them. They may see their surroundings, but not think of what is beyond their viewpoint.
A concrete thinker may take words literally. If someone tells them to break a leg, they may wonder why they should snap their leg bones in two. If someone tells them it’s raining cats and dogs, they may wonder why they can’t hear a cacophony of barks and meows outside.
This is why it’s called concrete thinking. Concrete doesn’t bend. It stays put. It’s there. It’s purely physical. A concrete thinker, fittingly enough, may not even understand the comparison and think you’re referring to someone who thinks about what cement turns into.
Who’s A Concrete Thinker?
Young children learn to become concrete thinkers first. This makes sense, as babies and toddlers are all about the here and now, and don’t think anything of the object when it’s gone. That’s why you can tell them you have their nose and they believe you.
As the child grows, so does their way of thinking. They think of objects that are not in front of them, which is object permanence. The abstract thinking slowly develops throughout childhood. They learn about people’s emotions and soon realize how complex people can be. Later on, as they learn to read, they’ll learn metaphors and be able to understand philosophy, math, and other concepts that require you to be an abstract thinker, which we’ll talk about later.
Also, most animals are concrete thinkers. They see an object in front of them, and when it’s gone, they usually don’t think anything of it. There are some animals, such as our primate relatives, that can think more abstractly.
Mental Impairment
There are mental disorders that can make a person think more concretely. Most people do have some form of abstract thinking, as thinking in only literal terms is a serious social impairment. It’s hard to associate when you think of everything, can’t empathize with anyone, can only see what’s in front of you, and so on.
Children with autism may have troubles with abstract thinking. While this can improve as they grow older, especially if they’re higher functioning, it can be difficult for both the parent and child if the child thinks too concretely. Brain damage and injury can make someone think more concretely as well.
What Is Abstract Thinking?
Abstract thinking is what sets us apart from most animals. As you can probably tell from the definition of concrete thinking, abstract thinking is when someone can think about things that aren’t physically in front of them. You can think of an object you just saw, think of philosophies, keep a set of principles in your head, and so on.
Abstract thinkers use analogies and metaphors to understand the world. They can read body language and know the difference between verbal and nonverbal. They can see the space difference in an object and see what it looks like behind it without having to rotate. They’re critical thinkers, science-minded, and can reason quite well.
Who’s An Abstract Thinker?
As mentioned before, children become more abstract thinkers as they age, and it’s usually the last stage of their mental development or the formal operation. Stage. The age this happens usually happens between preteen and mid-teen years, but it can vary. Some gifted children may develop it much earlier.
Nature Vs. Nurture?
While the complexity of the human brain is one of the reasons we’re abstract thinkers, it’s also believed that abstract thinking is a product of the world around you. As the children have different experiences, read different stories, are educated, and learn to empathize, their thinking grows. They may be exposed to both literal stories, like a frog turning into a prince, or more complex stories with themes, lessons, and nuances. There are stories where the good guy is all good, and the bad guy is all evil, but there are also stories where the protagonist does questionable things while the villain is more sympathetic.
It’s safe to say that abstract thinking is a mix of our complex minds and the world around us.
Abstract Thinking And Intelligence
Someone who thinks more abstractly can do better on intelligence tests. Abstract thinkers are better with language, can see what’s not there, and understand concepts that are important to humanity’s development. Most of our modern inventions would not exist if there were no abstract thinking. Meanwhile, someone who is not an abstract thinker may do poorly on an intelligence test.
Other Forms Of Thinking
Thinking is not just a binary, but abstract and concrete are just the two main types of thinking. There are other types of thinkers as well, with many of them being an offshoot of abstract thinking.
Creative Thinkers
As the name implies, a creative thinker is one who thinks of new ideas and makes them come to life. Everyone is creative in their way, but a creative-minded person will take it a step further and try to make their ideas a reality, instead of just thinking about them.
Analytical Thinking
An analytical thinker can unpack a concept and separate it into different parts, and then look at each part individually while linking it back to the main concept. Analyzing people and concepts can be quite a useful skill, as you can see what others miss.
Critical Thinker
A critical thinker can learn to think carefully about what they’re looking at. Someone who is less critical may share dubious information while thinking it’s true, while a critical thinker is going to look at that information and try to figure out if it’s genuine. Critical thinking involves other traits, such as reflecting, reconstructing, and looking at different factors than what is just there. It’s a complex way of thinking, and we could do an article on it alone.
Divergent Thinking
This is an offshoot of creative thinking. You’re looking at different solutions to a problem to find the one that will work the best. You may look at facts, apply the solution and see what it works, and even try to look at less likely solutions as well. It’s when you think outside the box, to put it into a metaphor our abstract thinkers can understand.
Convergent Thinking
This is when you can take a large number of perspectives from different people or sources and put them together. You’ll find common ground, and you may end up realizing that there is a solution lying somewhere in the middle.
Linear Thinking
Also known as sequential thinking, this is when you can process information in order. If you’ve heard of a solution that requires a step-by-step solution, being a linear thinker will work wonders. They don’t stray away from the instructions in front of them.
Nonlinear Thinking
Also known as holistic thinking, this is when you can see the entire picture in front of you and see how everything connects. You don’t go from point A to point B, but instead see all the points in front of you and know their relationship. While being a linear thinker has its uses, sometimes nonlinear thinking can create some brilliant concepts.
How To Think More Abstractly
Very few people are total concrete thinkers. Even those who have mental impairments will have some abstract thinking. It’s a spectrum. The average person could learn how to think abstractly even more. One way to do so is to talk to more people. Learn their perspective and try to empathize with them. As the cliché goes, you walk a mile in their shoes.
If someone you know is struggling with abstract thinking, some therapists can help them become better at thinking. While disorders such as autism are not curable, people with it can still learn how to think more abstractly, and this can improve with age.
Seek Help!
If you want to improve your thinking, why not speak to a counselor? They can help get into your mind and tell you how you think, what you can do to think better and make you more aware of yourself. Whether in person or online, there is a counselor to help you.
With that said, always use your mind and learn how to improve your thinking as you age.