J.P: German Intel Report: Iran Seeks To Shatter States Stability With WMD/Haaretz: How the Mossad Broke Into an Iranian Facility and Stole Half a Ton of Nuclear Files الهآررتس: كيف تمكنت الموساد من سرقة وثائق إيران النووية/جيروزاليم بوست: تقرير إنتل ألماني: إيران تسعى إلى تحطيم استقرار الدول بأسلحة الدمار الشامل
German Intel Report: Iran Seeks To Shatter States’ Stability With WMD جيروزاليم بوست: تقرير إنتل ألماني: إيران تسعى إلى تحطيم استقرار الدول بأسلحة الدمار الشامل
Jerusalem Post/July 15/18
Iran and North Korea aim to circumvent embargoes.
The German intelligence agency of the state of Hesse published a new document on countering the spread of weapons of mass destruction, singling out the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of two states seeking to obtain the ultimate form of powerful weapons. The Jerusalem Post reviewed the late June document that states: “Weapons of mass destruction are a continued instrument of power politics that also, in regional and international crises situations, can shatter the entire stability of state structures. States like Iran and North Korea attempt, in the context of proliferation, to acquire and spread such weapons by, for example, disguising the transportation ways through third countries.”
The report said that the goal of the intelligence agencies of Iran and North Korea is “to circumvent control mechanisms in countries that are not especially subject to embargo restrictions.” According to the Hesse report, proliferation is defined as “the production and spreading of weapons of mass destruction” and “the acquisition of compatible missile carrying systems and technology by states for which these weapons were not previously available.”
The intelligence agency explained that the “goal of counter-intelligence is to prevent” countries like Iran and North Korea, who seek weapons of mass destruction. The report listed some types of illegal proliferation technology that countries want for the production of weapons of mass destruction. The examples include “equipment for the enrichment of uranium, nuclear reactors in connection with reprocessing plants, bioreactors, drying installation facilities, and the production process for precursor chemical products.”
As a general rule, the intelligence agency noted, countries do not obtain completed weapons of mass destruction, rather secure “individual components, equipment, technologies and their products.” German regional domestic intelligence agencies like the Hesse organization are the rough equivalent of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).
The state of Hesse has not yet published its intelligence report covering the year of 2017. Germany’s 16 states each publish intelligence reports covering threats to the constitutional, democratic system. The federal government publishes a nation-wide report that covers more broad terms, such as threats like radical Islam, weapons proliferation and right-wing and left-wing extremism.
The 2017 national report ignored the North Rhine-Westphalia intelligence report that said Iran sought to obtain illicit technology that could be used for military nuclear and ballistic missile programs. In North Rhine-Westphalia, Iran’s regime made “32 procurement attempts… that definitely or with high likelihood were undertaken for the benefit of proliferation programs,” the state’s intelligence agency wrote last year. German state reports frequently list more concrete data on Iran’s illicit nuclear, missile and espionage activities in the federal republic than the national intelligence report.
Take the examples of the southern German states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria: The Post reported in early June that the intelligence agency of Baden-Württemberg wrote in its report: “Iran continued to undertake, as did Pakistan and Syria, efforts to obtain goods and know-how to be used for the development of weapons of mass destruction and to optimize corresponding missile-delivery systems.”
Bavaria’s intelligence agency noted in its April report: “Iran, North Korea, Syria and Pakistan are making efforts to expand their conventional weapons arsenal through the production of weapons of mass destruction.”German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas are both energetic supporters of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that aims to curb Tehran’s drive to become an atomic weapons power. Neither Merkel nor Maas has commented on the state intelligence agency reports that documented Iran’s illegal proliferation activities in 2017 in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.
هكذا تسلل عملاء “الموساد” إلى خزنة أسرار إيران!
السياسة/16 تموز/18/في عملية “جايمس بوندية” مثيرة، ومصورة، تسلل عملاء جهاز “الموساد” الإسرائيلي إلى مستودع سرّي في طهران، بقوا فيه ست ساعات و29 دقيقة، ففتحوا 32 خزنة عملاقة، وخرجوا حاملين 50 ألف صفحة من الوثائق النووية، التي يعود تاريخها إلى العام 2003 وتصفها طهران بالمزوّرة. وذكرت صحيفة “نيويورك تايمز” الأميركية أول من أمس، أن بعض الوثائق المسربة أثبتت أن إيران كانت تجمع كل ما تحتاجه لإنتاج سلاح نووي بشكل ممنهج، إلا أن الصحيفة استدركت لافتة إلى إمكانية إخفاء الموساد أي مستندات تنفي هذا الأمر من الوثائق التي عرضت على مراسلها.
وفي الوقائع التي نشرتها الصحيفة نفسها، والتي زوّدتها بها إسرائيل نفسها، تسلل عملاء الموساد في 31 يناير الماضي إلى مستودع في حي تجاري في طهران، ليخرجوا منه بعد 6 ساعات ونصف الساعة حاملين نصف طن من الوثائق والمواد السرية الخاصة ببرنامج إيران النووي، وذلك بعدما عطلوا أجهزة الإنذار، وتجاوزوا بابين مصفحين، وفتحوا 32 خزنة عملاقة. وتبيّن من التفاصيل أن العملية ما كانت وليدة ساعتها، بل أتت عن سبق إصرار وترصد. فقد راقب عملاء الموساد المستودع عامًا كاملًا، وتأكدوا جديًا أن فريق الحراسة الصباحي يصل في السابعة تقريبًا، فكانت الخطة أن يغادر عملاء الموساد المستودع قبل الخامسة، ليكون لديهم متسع من الوقت للفرار، فالحراس سيدركون ما حصل ما إن يصلوا، وسيعرفون أن ثمة من استولى على ملفات توثق أعوامًا من العمل المضني على تطوير أسلحة نووية وتصميمات لرؤوس حربية وخططًا سرية للإنتاج. وفي العاشرة والنصف ليلًا، تسلل عملاء الموساد إلى داخل المستودع، حاملين شعلات تذويب تصل درجة حرارتها إلى 3600 درجة، وفتحوا بها أقفال 32 خزنة حديدية عملاقة موجودة في المستودع، لكن لضيق الوقت استهدفوا أولًا كل خزانة تحتوي على أغلفة سوداء، وفيها أكثر التصميمات حساسية، وصور لتجارب على صواعق تفجيرية يمكن استخدامها في تفجير نووي
Haaretz/How the Mossad Broke Into an Iranian Facility and Stole Half a Ton of Nuclear Files الهآررتس: كيف تمكنت الموساد من سرقة وثائق إيران النووية
Haaretz/July 15/18
Using blowtorches in the dead of night: The operatives had six hours and 29 minutes to break into the warehouse, obtain the files and flee, reports the New York Times
An operation by the Mossad earlier this year to steal files relating to Iran’s nuclear program was conducted on January 31, according to a report by the New York Times. Mossad operatives broke into a warehouse in an industrial area in Tehran and, according to the report, had six hours and 29 minutes to finish the job before the morning shift arrived at 7 A.M. During this limited time, they disabled the alarms, broke through two doors, burned open dozens of safes and fled the city with the documents.
The agents were carrying blowtorches that burned at some 2,000 degrees Celsius to cut through the safes, according to the Times,. The report suggests that Israel may have had help on the inside, since it says that the Mossad agents knew exactly which safes to break into – leaving many of the others untouched. At the end of the night, the agents fled with half a ton of secret materials, including 50,000 pages and 163 compact discs containing files, videos and plans.
The Iranians began storing the files at the warehouse after signing a landmark 2015 accord on its nuclear program with the United States, European powers, Russia and China. The deal gave the UN nuclear watchdog access to suspected nuclear sites in Iran.
Israel claims that after signing the agreement, the Iranian regime collected files from across the country about the nuclear program, storing them at the warehouse. The warehouse wasn’t guarded around the clock so as to not arouse suspicion.
The report was based on briefings Israel gave Western media outlets last week and included details from the stolem documents, which were presented in April by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a prime time address.
The reoprt further stated that Israeli officials said Tehran received help for its nuclear program from Pakistan and from other foreign experts.
Another report, from the Washington Post, says that Iran was on the verge of acquiring “key bombmaking technologies” when the program, code-named Project Amad, was halted some 15 years ago.