Trudeau “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society”/رئيس وزراء كندا جستن ترودو يقول أن المسيحيين هم أسوأ شريحة من المجتمع الكندي/شاهد الفيديو المرفق


Trudeau “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society”
رئيس وزراء كندا جستن ترودو يقول أن المسيحيين هم أسوأ شريحة من المجتمع الكندي/شاهد الفيديو المرفق

Published on March 28, 2017 in Canada by Jason Long

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau brought more than 30,000 refugees to Canada over the last year and half , mostly refugees who fled war torn countries like Syria.
Most of those refugees were Muslims, some reports say 99 percent of refugees that came to Canada were Muslim.

Why didn’t Trudeau bring Christian or Jew refugees to Canada who fled rape, beatings and many more sufferings, Trudeau seems to hate Christians, he says: “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society” WATCH BELOW.

Trudeau “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society”