Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 18/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 18/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 17-18/15
To All Canadians: Vote For The Conservatives/Elias Bejjani/October 17/15
Both Micheal Aoun & Hassan Nasrallah Are Evil Criminals/Elias Bejjani/October 17/15
Lebanese scramble for relevance/Joseph A. Kechichian/Gulf News/October 17/15
When will Lebanon get their kidnapped soldiers back/Esperance Ghanem/Al-Monitor/October 17/15
Obama’s scarred legacy in the Middle East/Hisham Melhem/Al Arabiya/October 17/15
A return to the Lockerbie bombing/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/October 17/15
Do American TV shows hate Arab culture/Yara al-Wazir/Al Arabiya/October 17/15
Iran’s foreign prisoners and the ‘Game of Pawns’/Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Al Arabiya/October 17/15
Sweden Close to Collapse/Ingrid Carlqvist/ Gatestone Institute/October 17/15
Why the Syrian opposition rejected the UN’s plan for Syria/Asaad Hanna/Al-Monitor/October 17/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on October 17-18/15
To All Canadians: Vote For The Conservatives
Both Micheal Aoun & Hassan Nasrallah Are Evil Criminals
Lebanese scramble for relevance
When will Lebanon get their kidnapped soldiers back?
21 Arrested in Raids on Syrian Encampments in Zgharta
Hajj Hassan to Mashnouq: Hizbullah, AMAL Gave their All to Ensure Success of Bekaa Security Plan
Bassil Travels to Tehran with Boroujerdi on Two-Day Visit
Report: Cabinet Convenes Tuesday to Tackle Trash File
Report: Arab Diplomatic Efforts to Be Kicked Off to Address Presidential Deadlock

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on October 17-18/15
Saudi Shiites Hang on to Rituals after 5 Killed in IS-Claimed Shooting
Two dead in Iran attack on Shiite worshippers
Israeli soldiers and settler kill three Palestinians
Saudi-led coalition destroys armed trucks near Yemen border
Turkish air strikes kill 11 Kurdish militants in southeast: military
U.S. group scales back plan to monitor Egypt election
Syrian army advances south of Aleppo
Iran: none of its missiles designed for nuclear capabilities
Twelve migrants drown as boat sinks off Turkey
Number of displaced Iraqis hits 3.2 million: U.N.
Hungary seeks to ‘protect EU from Muslim migrants’
Half a million Yemen children face malnutrition
Obama, Abu Dhabi crown prince discuss Syria
Kerry calls Abbas, Netanyahu to urge Mideast calm

Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
Hungary PM: “Islam was never part of Europe. It’s the rulebook of another world.”
Palestinian” textbook: “How to stab a Jew”
UN says Islamic State pays recruiters $10,000 per jihadi
UK Muslim gets 20 years for trying to set up jihad training camp in Oregon
Islamic jihadist disguised as journalist stabs IDF soldier
Media coverage of “Palestinian” jihad violence blames Israelis
Robert Spencer in Front Page: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia
Jamie Glazov Moment: A Muslim With a Cleaver — and Islam
UK: “We need to kill all the Jews”
Silence Is the Sovereign Contempt
Disney places, removes ad for counterterrorism intern 


To All Canadians: Vote For The Conservatives
Elias Bejjani/October 17/15
Do not be fooled by any way with the carnival-like, theatrical and disguised election campaign frantically conducted by both the NDP and Liberal Parties. On Monday do not go against you conscience, discretion, reality or rational. On Monday fully focus on Canada’s future, welfare, safety, peace as well on all distinguishable Canadian and ethical values…focus and vote Conservative. Voting For Mr. Harper & The Conservative Party is a vote for Canadian values and righteousness and for a leader & Party that honour in spirit,, mind, rhetoric and actual acts your dignity, respect and every hope you long for our beloved Canada. Vote Conservative, For a patriotic, courageous and well informed leadership.

Both Micheal Aoun & Hassan Nasrallah Are Evil Criminals
Elias Bejjani/October 17/15 (summary of my Arabic piece)
Sadly our Lebanon, the land of the Holy Cedars, and our peace loving Lebanese people are mercilessly and helplessly exposed to the evilness of the derailed two criminal leaders who with no conscience or fear of God and His Day Of Judgment are destroying the country and killing the Lebanese each with his own devastating weapon. Michael Aoun, the mentally unbalanced Christian MP. Michael Aoun is viciously and evilly killing with ignorance, day dreaming and lies the intelligence and all that is discretion in the minds of his naive and subservient sheep-like followers, while Hassan Nasrallah, the Iranian Terrorist Hezbollah’s leader is murdering with cold blood his community’s young men by Syrian bullets and in futile military battles fought in Syria while in vain trying to support and defend the Syrian butcher and dictator Bachar Al Assad. In actuality both Aoun and Nasrallah are mass criminals but each one is practising the killing with a different weapon. In conclusion Lebanon will not be able to reclaim its independence, freedom or sovereignty while these two leaders are still leading . In conclusion all those Lebanese who by any means support either of the two leaders, Aoun and Nasrallah are in reality and practicality victim for their weapons.