رسالة الناشطة كلود حجار للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة/Activist Claude A Hillar Hajjar’s Letter To UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres


رسالة الناشطة كلود حجار للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة
Activist Claude A Hillar Hajjar’s Letter To UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres
December 22/2021
As a founding member of the UN, the Free people of Lebanon call on the President of the UN Security Council, Antonio Guterres, present here in Lebanon and on every member of the Security Council and URGE them to take immediate action to ensure the protection of the Lebanese people and the safety of Judge Bitar from Hezbollah Terrorist attacks and permanent DEATH THREATS.
Lebanon is UNDER ATTACK!!
Hezbollah, the Iranian Terrorist Org. & Drug Cartel in Lebanon, should be dismantled & disarmed under Chapter 7, Art. 43…48 of the UN Charter and Lebanon’s Permanent Neutrality should be then proclaimed and adopted!
It is then and only then, that Free and Fair Elections under the UN’s aegis can take root.
Since 2004, the UN Security Council failed to fully implement the UN Resolutions 1559 – 1680 – 1701… and that, have brought us to where we are today:
Lebanon under attack and the Lebanese held HOSTAGES for the last 21 years!!!!
Mr. Guterres, you never went beyond condemnation, nor did your predecessors. What are we supposed to do with it?
Are we supposed to count our deaths or our hostages, our wounded or homes in ruin again and again or wait for the next chemical explosion to pulverize this time Beirut Airport or other cities, like the port of Beirut and half of the capital?
Are we supposed to wait 16 more years to implement all the resolutions or to wait for the NATO to finish his Nuclear Deals with Iran, before you intervene?
Your duty, Mr. Guterres, is not to do politics but to make sure that all UN Security Council Resolutions regarding Lebanon are fully implemented.
Instead, you came to Lebanon, just like your French colleague Emmanuel Macron, to make sure that the Syrian/Iranian Puppet Government of Lebanon will keep it under control and “calm”,
nothing else!
Mr. Guterres, before the whole world and from now on, for not intervening, you and every member of the Security Council will be held accountable for every disaster, every more fallen victim in Lebanon.
Long live a Free, Neutral & Sovereign Lebanon
Yours Truly
Claude A Hillar Hajjar