Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For March 26/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For March 26/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published On March 25-26/17
The Healing Miracle of the Paralyzed/Elias Bejjani/ March 26/17
Michel Aoun playing with fire over Hizbollah/Josh Wood/The National/March 25/17
US Charges Lebanese ‘Hezbollah Financier/Asharq Al-Awsat English/March 25/17
All eyes on Lebanon ahead of Arab Summit/Joseph A. Kechichian/Gulf News/March 25/17
Trump’s greatest deal/Aoun is a Hezbollah ally/By Caroline Glicks/The Jerusalem Post/March 24, 2017
Amman Summit to Highlight Arab Solidarity, Consensus on Ending Conflict/Sawsan Abu-HusainAsharq Al-Awsat English/March 25/17/
Questions Rise on Why Some Muslim Converts are Prone to Extremism/Mohammed Al-ShafeyAsharq Al-Awsat English/March 25/17/
Trump: ‘We Should have Never Left Iraq/Abdulrahman Al-RashedAsharq Al-Awsat English/March 25/17/
As a Muslim, I am Shocked by Liberals and Leftists/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/March 25/17
From the Golan, Iran is paving the way for a new war in Lebanon/Huda al Husseini/Al Arabiya/March 25/17
The five scenarios on the future of Europe/Dr. Ibrahim Al-Othaimin/Al Arabiya/March 25/17
The Westminster attack and the Western dilemma/Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/March 25/17
A Saudi library in Beijing/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/March 25/17
The Power Struggle for the Throne and the Saudi ‘Reset’ With Trump/Simon Henderson/The Washington Institute/Foreign Policy/March 25, 2017

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published  On March 25-26/17
The Healing Miracle of the Paralyzed
Michel Aoun playing with fire over Hizbollah
US Charges Lebanese ‘Hezbollah Financier
Daylight-Saving Time Begins at Midnight
American University of Beirut Settles U.S. Lawsuit over Hizbullah
Berri Says Wage Scale Must be Approved Separate from Taxes
U.S. Charges ‘Hizbullah Financier’ Kassem Tajideen
Report: Israeli Bill to Annex Gas-Filled Maritime Area ‘Blackmails’ Lebanon
Shiite Lebanese Women Wage Painful Custody Battles
Ibrahim: Lebanon No Longer an Arena, Nothing Justifies Harboring Terrorists
All eyes on Lebanon ahead of Arab Summit
U.N. officials meet with Aoun before summit
Trump’s greatest deal
Aoun is a Hezbollah ally. So is Defense Minister Yaacoub Sarraf and LAF commander Gen. Joseph Aoun

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published On March 25-26/17
Air strikes kill 16 civilians near Damascus, 16 in Idlib
US Warns against Travel to Unruly French Guiana
Laptop Ban Hits Dubai for 1.1m Weekend Travelers
Iraqi forces pause Mosul push over concern for civilian casualties
Mosul: 500 civilians killed, calls to declare the city a disaster zone
Tens of thousands in London protest Britain’s EU departure
London attacker was cheerful and joking on eve of deadly rampage
Gunmen kill Hamas official who was swapped for Israel’s Gilad Shalit in 2011
Israel ‘ignoring’ a UN resolution to immediately halt settlements
Defeated Trump warns that Obamacare ‘will soon explode’
Saudi forces kill 17 Houthi militias attempting to breach border

Links From Jihad Watch Site for March 25-26/17
Canadians Duped: A Victorious Day for Islamic Supremacists
Canada: Imam quotes Muhammad, complaint lodged with police
Brussels mayor: “All mosques in Brussels are in the hands of Salafists”
Board of Deputies of British Jews reassures Muslims who are “anxious” after London jihad
London jihad murderer was “very religious”
Australia: Muslim teen in deradicalization program plotted jihad massacre
Theresa May: “The fight against terrorism and hate speech has to be a joint one”
German state bans mosque group after imam repeatedly calls for killing of infidels
France: Veiled Muslim woman threatens passersby with a knife
London jihad murderer “said he needed time to pray and read the Koran – something about finding inner peace”
Globe & Mail columnist: London jihadi “not Muslim,” “extremists” often come from “Christian families”
Texas public high school defends its Islamic prayer room after warning from state deputy attorney general

Links From Christian Today Site For March 25-26/17
Republicans in disarray as Trump fails to repeal Obamacare
Pope Francis warns EU risks dying, faces ‘vacuum of values’
Douglas Carswell quits UKIP, says he will remain as independent MP
Religious people are less afraid of death, say researchers – but so are atheists
Westminster attacker was a criminal who was not seen as a threat
Archbishops launch investigation into Philip North row after ‘highly individualised’ attacks
Why Trump’s deportation policies are making immigrants afraid to go to church
Bishop steps down after speaking of campaign forcing him to quit

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site

The Healing Miracle of the Paralyzed
Elias Bejjani/ March 26/17
“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11/28-30)
The practice of praying for others in any manner or pattern is a desirable religious conduct, especially when the prayers are for the sake of those who are sick, persecuted, oppressed, poor, lonely and distressed, or have fallen prey to evil temptations.
Praying for others whether they are parents, relatives, strangers, acquaintances, enemies, or friends, and for countries, is an act that exhibits the faith, caring, love, and hope of those who offer the prayers. Almighty God, Who is a loving, forgiving, passionate, and merciful Father listens to these prayers and always answers them in His own wisdom and mercy that mostly we are unable to grasp because of our limited human understanding. “All things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21/22)
On the fifth Lenten Sunday the Catholic Maronites cite and recall with great reverence [ ] the Gospel of Saint Mark ( 02/1-12): “The Healing Miracle of the Paralytic”: “When he entered again into Capernaum after some days, it was heard that he was in the house. Immediately many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even around the door; and he spoke the word to them. Four people came, carrying a paralytic to him. When they could not come near to him for the crowd, they removed the roof where he was. When they had broken it up, they let down the mat that the paralytic was lying on. Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” But there were some of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak blasphemies like that? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?’ But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”— He said to the paralytic— “I tell you, arise, take up your mat, and go to your house.” He arose, and immediately took up the mat, and went out in front of them all; so that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!”
This great miracle in its theological essence and core demonstrates beyond doubt that intercessions, prayers and supplications for the benefit of others are acceptable faith rituals that Almighty God attentively hears and definitely answers.
It is interesting to learn that the paralytic man as stated in the Gospel of St. Mark, didn’t personally call on Jesus to cure him, nor he asked Him for forgiveness, mercy or help, although as many theologians believe Jesus used to visit Capernaum, where the man lives, and preach in its Synagogue frequently. Apparently this crippled man was lacking faith, hope, distancing himself from God and total ignoring the Gospel’s teaching. He did not believe that the Lord can cure him.
What also makes this miracle remarkable and distinguishable lies in the fact that the paralytic’s relatives and friends, or perhaps some of Jesus’ disciples were adamant that the Lord is able to heal this sick man who has been totally crippled for 38 years if He just touches him. This strong faith and hope made four of them carry the paralytic on his mat and rush to the house where Jesus was preaching. When they could not break through the crowd to inter the house they climbed with the paralytic to the roof, made a hole in it and let down the mat that the paralytic was lying on in front of Jesus and begged for his cure. Jesus was taken by their strong faith and fulfilled their request.
Jesus forgave the paralytic his sins first (“Son, your sins are forgiven you) and after that cured his body: “Arise, and take up your bed, and walk”. Like the scribes many nowadays still question the reason and rationale that made Jesus give priority to the man’s sins. Jesus’ wisdom illustrates that sin is the actual death and the cause for eternal anguish in Hell. He absolved his sins first because sin cripples those who fall in its traps, annihilates their hopes, faith, morals and values, kills their human feelings, inflicts numbness on their consciences and keeps them far away from Almighty God. Jesus wanted to save the man’s soul before He cures his earthy body. “For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?” (Mark 08:/36 & 37).
Our Gracious God does not disappoint any person when he seek His help with faith and confidence. With great interest and parental love, He listens to worshipers’ prayers and requests and definitely respond to them in His own way, wisdom, time and manner. “Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened”. (Matthew 07/07 &08)
In this loving and forgiving context, prayers for others, alive or dead, loved ones or enemies, relatives or strangers, are religiously desirable. God hears and responds because He never abandons His children no matter what they do or say, provided that they turn to Him with faith and repentance and ask for His mercy and forgiveness either for themselves or for others. “Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises. 5:14 Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, 5:15 and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up”. (James 05:13)
There are numerous biblical parables and miracles in which Almighty God shows clearly that He accepts and responds to prayers for the sake of others, e.g.
Jesus cured the centurion’s servant on the request of the Centurion and not the servant himself. (Matthew 08/05-33 )
Jesus revived and brought back to life Lazarus on the request of his sisters Mary and Martha. (John 11/01-44)
In conclusion: Almighty God is always waiting for us, we, His Children to come to Him and ask for His help and mercy either for ourselves or for others. He never leaves us alone. Meanwhile it is a Godly faith obligation to extend our hand and pull up those who are falling and unable to pray for themselves especially the mentally sick, the unconscious, and the paralyzed. In this realm of faith, love and care for others comes our prayers to Virgin Mary and to all Saints whom we do not worship, but ask for their intercessions and blessings.
O, Lord, endow us with graces of faith, hope, wisdom, and patience. Help us to be loving, caring, humble and meek. Show us the just paths. Help us to be on your right with the righteous on the Judgment Day.
God sees and hears us all the time, let us all fear Him in all what we think, do and say.