Elias Bejjani: Walid Phares And Trump are Addressing the Jihad Terrorism The Right Way/وليد فارس وترامب يسميان الأمور الجهادية بأسمائها


Walid Phares And Trump are Addressing the Jihad Terrorism The Right Way
Elias Bejjani/August 17/16

What Dr. Walid Phares and Donald Trump are saying courageously and academically about Iran, Hezbollah, Isis and their bloody -Jihad stone age terrorism all over the world, we in Lebanon have been saying it too for years and more loudly and more precisely, and more knowledgeably, but because we are weak and marginalized no body wanted to hear us or take our cautioning and warning rhetoric seriously.

Why? Because the Jihad terrorism was not yet attacking them and threatening their countries.

It is worth mentioning that our late, great politician and philosopher, Dr. Charles Malek did in the early fifties caution the whole world in regards to terrorism.. Verbatim he said:” If you do not now recognize, face and fight terrorism and terrorists in Lebanon, they will very soon hit in Paris first and then in the USA”. What he said did happen and now the whole world is suffering from Jihad terrorism.

Meanwhile and in the same context, the whole world is forced to hear Phares and Trump because this devastating Jihad terrorism has reached their societies and is hitting and killing their citizens.

Due to the sad fact that politicians and officials specifically in the Arab countries and in the Western world were completely hiding all the truth about Jihad terrorism and avoiding to openly tell their people what actually it is and who stands behind it.. Now Phares and Trump are creating a real awakening shock and exposing them all, especially that they are naming things with their real and actual names without any false cosmetic appeasing and cajoling approaches, masks, Dhimmitude, or lies.

We strongly believe that  it is only a matter of time and all officials as well as citizens all over the world will be desensitized to hearing  from Phares, Trump and others the absolute truth about Jihad terrorists, their ideological affiliations, planes and dangers.  And most importantly naming things with their real and actual names without fear, Dhimmitude or camouflage.

To make the argument simple and conceivable, Let us In Lebanon and the Arab countries in particular wisely and thoroughly look where Hezbollah’s Terrorist leader, Hassan Nasrallah’s aura (هالة وقداسة وعظمة) and glory were three years ago and where they are now after all his Iranian-Jihad masks of deceive fell…

It is only a matter of time and all those who know exactly what is Jihad and its terrorism will have no choice but to echo and more loudly what Phares and Trump are now sayingand causing rejection, harsh criticism and shocks.

In conclusion, No matter if Donald Trump wins the USA presidential elections or not, He and Walid Phares have paved world-wide the right way for serious, practical and knowledgeable approaches to encounter and defeat Jihad Terrorism.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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