DEBKAfile/Donald Trump is 45th US President. Clinton cedes


Donald Trump is 45th US President. Clinton cedes
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis November 9, 2016

For his victory speech, Wednesday, Nov. 9, President-designate Donald J. Trump, 70. took the platform at campaign headquarters in the Hilton Hotel in New York along with Vice President Mike Spence and their families to inform an audience roaring “USA!” that Hillary Clinton had “congratulated us” on our victory and “I congratulated her for a hard campaign. We owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to this country.”

Trump stressed the motif of unity. “I say to all Republicans, Democrats and Independents, let us come together as one united people, I will be president for all Americans. To those who chose not to support me I am reaching out to you for your guidance and help so that we can unify this country.” He called on people of all religions, race and background to work together to build the American nation and use the untapped potential of every American. He pledged to rebuild national infrastructure and inner cities, take care of “our great veterans, double our growth and “get along with all nations who want to get along with us.”

debkafile reported earlier on this extraordinary day:

Before the votes from all 50 US states were finally tallied, the Republican candidate Donald Trump had ramped up the 270 electors he needed to open his path to the White House and defeat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

This climax marked the end of America’s epic roller-coaster battle for the presidency that broke all the rules of past US electioneering campaigns. While the votes were still being counted, the mood swings at the New York headquarters of the two rivals contrasted starkly. Clinton’s followers gathered to celebrate certain victory were bewildered and incredulous and began heading for the exits, while jubilant crowds gathered to hail Trump.

Donald Trump did more than beat a partisan rival. He confounded the majority of pollsters and pundits and the mainstream media. They all proclaimed him the worst disaster threatening America and the world, and gave their undivided support to his rival. He stood up to them all, adhered to his chosen role as rank outsider and t his uncouth style of oratory to make war on the ruling establishments and their norms, including the Republican Party which gave him the nomination.
While long rows of pundits and analysts proclaimed Hillary Clinton the certain winner throughout this gloves-off campaign, Trump struck an authentic chord of popular anger and frustration with the system which he constantly declared rigged. One woman interviewed on the street on voting day said he had her vote because “He’s not a politician, he’s an American like us.”

This sense packed his rallies to overflowing across the country. It was the powerful catalyst that brought Trump to victory – even more than the email and corruption scandals dogging Clinton’s campaign. His indefatigable energy electrified his audiences and sustained him as he slogged for nearly two years up to the finish line. Most of the time he fought solo amid contempt for the vastly expensive campaign machine which served his rival

Trump is projected to start his term in the White House on Jan. 20 with the huge asset of a Republican majority projected in the Senate and House or representatives. He is therefore gifted with every advantage for meeting his pledge to the American people of a revolution for raising up the forgotten sections of society.

While still to come, that revolution has already making vibes outside the USA with stocks tumbling on global markets.

There is no point in guessing the nature of his team. Just as he put together in total privacy a small, tight team of advisers to support his run for president, so too can he be expected to stick to that mode of operation in the Oval Office.

He has his work cut out to start “draining the swamp,” without delay, immediately revoking Barack Obama’s presidential directives on a host of controversial issues, and convening Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The Obamas backed Clinton’s run to the hilt because they knew that President Trump would blot out all they had accomplished in their eight years in office.

He also faces the herculean tasks of rehabilitating US armed forces, rebuilding the American economy, creating the millions of well-paid jobs he promised his voters, and showing the world a strong America. He also pledged to install a fair judge to replace the late Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court as a high priority. He also committed to devise a solution for illegal immigrants and renegotiate more beneficial trade deals with foreign countries.

Strong floodlights will accompany every move he makes after Jan. 20. If he fails to make good on his mega program, he will risk losing a second term at the White House.