Video/‘Lambs among Wolves’: Documentary about the Muslim Brotherhood’s burning of Coptic churches


‘Lambs among Wolves’: Documentary about the Muslim Brotherhood’s burning of Coptic churches
October 26, 2015/Ralph Sidway
This looks promising: an English-language documentary on the Muslim Brotherhood’s planned, systematic burning of over 70 Coptic churches in Egypt, August 2013, just weeks following the popular overthrow of the ruthless, sharia-based government of Mohamed Morsi. Will it discuss the Obama administration’s unwavering support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood? Or Koranic and hadith support for Muslim persecution of Christians and destruction of churches?E en should such important components not be featured, showing the world what is at the heart of the Muslim Brotherhood should be a landmark achievement.

“Lambs among Wolves: A documentary about churches burning in Egypt
Aug 2013,” Coptic Youth Channel, October 25, 2015:
EXCLUSIVE ON CYC the only english documentary movie that tells exactly the details of the Muslim Brotherhood attack over churches of Egypt which caused the burning of more than 70 churches in 2 days!! Hatred burnt every thing in churches, it was a complete destruction! Wait for the entire movie soon on CYC!
