Hezbollah, is an Iranian Army of Mercenaries in Lebanon. Its Vicious Attack on Israeli Soldiers is Widely condemned


حزب الله جيش من المرتزقة يحتل لبنان وتعدياته على الجنود الإسرائيليين مدانة ومستنكرة ومخالفة للقرار 1701
الياس بجاني/08 تشرين الأول/14
لا هو لبناني ولا فيه أي شيء يشبه اللبنانيين لا بحضارتهم ولا بثقافتهم ولا بتعلقهم بسيادة واستقلال وحرية وطنهم. حزب الله جماعة من المرتزقة العاملين بأمرة ملالي لإيران من ألفهم حتى يائهم وهم لا حماة لبنان ولا اللبنانيون يعترفون بهم. هم قتلة ومجرمين وتجار مخدرات وقطاع طرق ومبيضي أموال وغزاة وماكينة اغتيالات. العملية العسكرية التي قام بها هؤلاء المرتزقة أمس على الحدود اللبنانية الإسرائيلية قد جاءت لخدمة ايران وملفها النووي ولا تفيد لبنان واللبنانيين بشيء. هي عملية مخالفة للقرار 1701 ومنتهكة لسيادة لبنان ومتناقضة مع اتفاقية الهدنة. من هنا لا يحق للإسرائيليين تهديد لبنان كشعب وكيان ولا القيام بأية عمليات انتقامية في غير اتجاه إيران نفسها ومواقع المرتزقة في لبنان ومخازن سلاحهم ومعسكراتهم وقادة إسرائيل يدركون من هو حزب الله ومن هي مرجعيته وما هي مهماته ونقطة ع السطر. في أسفل رزمة من التقارير والأخبار حول عملية أمس

Ban: Shebaaa Blast Goes against Efforts to Create Stability in South
Naharnet/United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the explosion that took place on the Lebanese-Israeli border on Tuesday, deeming it a violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701, reported the daily An Nahar on Wednesday. He said that the blast goes against efforts to create a stable and secure environment in southern Lebanon. Hizbullah claimed responsibility for the bombing that targeted an Israeli activity on the Israeli side of the border near the Shebaa Farms. Two Israeli soldiers were wounded in the attack, which prompted the troops to fire artillery shells against the Shebaa Farms and nearby areas. The blast was a response by Hizbullah to Israel’s assassination of one of its military experts, Ali Hassan Haidar, as he was dismantling an Israeli spy device in the South on September 5. The U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon urged on wake of the blast all sides to exercise restraint and cooperate with it to ea

US Embassy ‘strongly’ condemns Hezbollah border bombing
The Daily Star/BEIRUT: The U.S. Embassy Wednesday called on Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army to support U.N. peacekeepers’ efforts to restore calm in the border area, a day after a bomb blast wounded two Israeli soldiers. “We strongly condemn Hezbollah’s attack along the Blue Line on the border between Israel and Lebanon,” the embassy said in a tweet. “We urge all parties to support UNIFIL’s efforts to restore calm immediately,” another tweet read. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for planting a bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers in the south Lebanon border region of Shebaa Tuesday, two days after a Lebanese soldier was wounded by Israeli fire in the area.

Former Lebanese PM Hariri slams Hezbollah for Israel border attack
J.Post 08.10.14/Former Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri on Wednesday condemned as “unacceptable” Hezbollah’s border attack on Israel the day before. The Shi’ite Lebanese terror group claimed responsibility for two bombs that detonated in the Har Dov region along the border with Lebanon, with one device injuring two IDF soldiers. Lebanese media cited Hariri, an ardent rival of Hezbollah, as slamming the organization for its attack on Israeli targets, saying it contributes to “disrupting national efforts in the fight against terrorism and extremism.” He also criticized what he said was the tendency by many in Lebanon to overlook the actions of Hezbollah. “These sides are acknowledging that the party has the exclusive right to set up camps in Lebanon and wage wars without the consent of the state, government, and army,” the Lebanese newspaper Al-Nahar’s website quoted Hariri as saying. The IDF responded to the bombs planted by Hezbollah by shelling two of the group’s targets in southern Lebanon. The army suspects that the incident is directly related to Sunday’s attempted infiltration from Lebanon, which occurred in the same region. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened up the cabinet meeting Tuesday on the budget by addressing the incident along the northern border, and thanking the soldiers there for foiling an attack. Hours after the incident, Hezbollah took the unusual step of officially claiming responsibility for the border bombings. In a statement read out on Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV station and released on the Internet, the organization said the Hassan Haider Brigade had planted the bombs – apparently a reference to the name of a Hezbollah member who was reportedly killed in September while seeking to dismantle an Israeli listening device in southern Lebanon’s Sidon region. Yaakov Lappin contributed to this report.

March 14 Hits Back at FPM, Accuses It of ‘Supporting Militias’
Naharnet /The March 14 forces on Wednesday condemned “the attempt by terrorist factions coming from Syria to enter Lebanon,” saying they should be confronted by the Lebanese army, while accusing the Free Patriotic Movement of “supporting militias” instead of state institutions. In a statement issued after its weekly meeting, the March 14 General Secretariat said it deplores “the attempt by terrorist factions coming from Syria to enter Lebanon through the northern Bekaa region and it considers it a blatant violation of national sovereignty.”
It was referring to Sunday’s major assault by the Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front against several Hizbullah posts in the outskirts of the Bekaa border town of Brital and along the entire Eastern Mountain Range. The general secretariat said the offensive should have been repelled “by the same force by the Lebanese army and the legitimate Lebanese authorities, because the responsibility of defending Lebanon belongs exclusively to the Lebanese state.” In an earlier statement, the secretariat had said that “border defense at the hands of Hizbullah is rejected,” which drew a scalding response from the FPM’s Change and Reform parliamentary bloc. “O Lebanese, sleep tight and rest assured because the General Secretariat is at the frontiers and hills, … prepared to repulse any attack against you,” the bloc said.
The secretariat stressed on Wednesday that “defending Lebanon is the mission of the Lebanese state and Lebanese army, and no one has authorized Hizbullah to defend Lebanon, not in the North nor in the South.”General Secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid, who recited the statement, called on the FPM to “reevaluate its political calculations,” noting that “this movement claimed in 1989 that it was defending legitimacy and the Lebanese army, while today it is supporting militias in Lebanon instead of supporting the Lebanese army and the principle of the state.”Soaid also pointed out that the Brital clashes have “refuted the equation launched by Hizbullah’s secretary-general on May 25, 2013 under the slogan ‘Whoever wants to fight must go to Syria’.”“Any clash between the terrorist groups and the Lebanese army would unite all Lebanese behind their national army, while such unanimity is missing when the clash is with Hizbullah,” Soaid noted. He also questioned the rationale behind “the blast that targeted an Israeli patrol in the Shebaa Farms, eight years after the issuance of U.N. Security Council 1701, to which Hizbullah committed itself in the cabinet meetings.”

Hezbollah claims southern border bombing
Oct. 08, 2014
Mohammed Zaatari/Hashem Osseiran| The Daily Star
SIDON/BEIRUT: Despite its preoccupation with the Syria crisis Hezbollah claimed responsibility for planting a bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers on the south Lebanon border Tuesday, two days after a Lebanese soldier was wounded by Israeli fire in the area.
“We wanted to tell Israelis that we are ready and that there is no way they can assault us while we stand by and watch,” Hezbollah’s No. 2 Sheikh Naim Qassem told OTV. “The Shebaa Farms are occupied and it is the right of the resistance to conduct operations to liberate the land.”“At 2:22 p.m. Tuesday, the brigade of the martyred Ali Hasan Haidar of the Islamic Resistance set off an explosive device under an Israeli patrol in the Shebaa heights, which led to several casualties among the ranks of the occupying soldiers,” read a Hezbollah statement. The brigade responsible for setting off the explosive device was named after 25-year-old Ali Hasan Haidar, a Hezbollah explosives expert, who was killed last monthwhile trying to dismantle four Israeli devices planted on Hezbollah’s telecommunications network in Adloun, south Lebanon. One motive behind the attack Tuesday was linked to the name of the brigade that carried it out, said Qassem, hinting that the incident was retaliation over Haidar’s death.
Nevertheless, Qassem added the resistance was not limiting itself to tit-for-tat attacks, “It is our right to carry out operations against Israel when and where we see fit,” he said. When asked why Hezbollah swiftly claimed responsibility for the operation, Qassem said the move was meant to express Hezbollah’s readiness to counter any breach carried out by the Israeli army. In an implicit warning to the Israeli forces, the Hezbollah official said that the resistance was capable of planting explosives in areas monitored by Israeli forces.
“This means that the resistance went from Lebanese territories to occupied territories,” despite heavy Israeli surveillance, Qassem said.
The Israeli army confirmed the incident, saying that two soldiers had been wounded in the blast. “Initial reports indicate that the explosion was caused by an explosive device that was planted” to attack Israeli soldiers, Israel’s army tweeted.Within minutes of Hezbollah claiming responsibility for the blast, the Israeli army tweeted that it had fired artillery at two Hezbollah posts along the border. However, an Al-Manar reporter said that no Hezbollah posts were situated in the area.Security sources told The Daily Star that Israel had launched at least 15 artillery rounds in retaliation near the Shebaa hills, at a rate of two per minute. The site of the attack lies 200 meters from Lebanese residential areas along the border.
The Lebanese Army issued a statement saying the Israeli army targeted the Shebaa Farms and Kfar Shuba hills with 23 15-millimeter artillery shells. The Army said no casualties were reported, adding that it undertook necessary “defense measures” and was coordinating with UNIFIL.A senior Israeli army source told The Jerusalem Post that “the incident hasn’t ended yet from our standpoint.” “We have proved that we responded forcefully to every attempt to harm us, be it in the north, south or any other sector,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a Cabinet meeting Tuesday, quoted by his office. “The Lebanese government and Hezbollah are directly responsible for this blatant breach of Israel’s sovereignty” tweeted Israeli army spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner.
Several reports cited a second blast that came within minutes of the first explosion. Security sources denied such reports, however. In response to a question concerning possible Israeli retaliation, the Hezbollah official said that it was not feasible for Israel to wage a military operation against Lebanon. “The resistance’s readiness and capabilities makes Israeli forces wary of the consequences,” Qassem said. Following the assault, UNIFIL forces contacted both parties “urging maximum restraint and asking them to cooperate with UNIFIL in order to reduce tension and prevent escalation,” read a statement published by the group Tuesday. UNIFIL is also launching an investigation to determine the facts and circumstances of the incident. UNIFIL deemed the incident a violation of U.N. Resolution 1701. “Such actions are in contravention of our objectives and efforts to reduce tensions and establish a stable and secure environment in southern Lebanon,” the statement said. Israeli troops routinely violate the internationally recognized Blue Line around the Al-Sendaneh area to kidnap shepherds and conduct other operations.


Hezbollah sends message to Israel: No more carte blanche for the IDF in Lebanon 

By YOSSI MELMAN/J.Post/10/08/2014
Hezbollah is not interested in war with Israel, but is striving to achieve a balance of deterrence against it. This is the conclusion from the blast of the two explosive devices on Mount Dov (Shaba Farms) on Tuesday. The devices were laid a while ago, and on Tuesday Hezbollah commanders decided to activate them. Fortunately, only two soldiers were lightly injured, and therefore the IDF’s response was moderate – it fired some 40 shells at two posts belonging to the Lebanese Shi’ite organization. The response was meant to contain the incident and not deteriorate relations with Hezbollah. Israel is also not interested in an escalation. But as we’ve seen this summer against Hamas, and in 2006 against Hezbollah, a single incident or a series of violent events that grow out of hand can develop into war.
Hezbollah has unresolved issues with Israel. The organization believes that Israel is responsible for the death of Hassan al-Laqis, one of its senior members who was in charge of developing “special devices,” in December 2013 near his home in Beirut.
It also blames Israel for attacking a warehouse and an arms convoy on Lebanese soil in February 2014. A month ago, a Hezbollah fighter who was trying to dismantle an Israeli listening device was killed. In its statement on Tuesday, Hezbollah said that the band that undertook the explosives ambush was named after him. Hezbollah’s new approach can be defined as “breaking the silence.” The Lebanese organization understands that Israel is taking advantage of the so-called “Arab Spring” to act like the neighborhood bully. In Israel, this activity is called “the war between wars.” Two days ago, the IDF chief of staff awarded the Shayetet 13 elite naval commando unit a medal for its secretive operations: 43 operations in the last two years, of which we know about only one. We can assume they were in part intelligence operations. Israel is especially attributed with taking advantage of the weakness of the Syrian regime, which Iran and Hezbollah have been aiding in the civil war. The air force has attacked advanced weapons convoys on Syrian soil in the past year-and-a-half, especially advanced missiles that were on their way from warehouses in Syria to Hezbollah. And it outdid itself when it reportedly attacked a warehouse and a weapons convoy on Lebanese soil. Hezbollah, which sees itself as the defender of the Lebanese nation, has decided to change its approach. It responds to any incident that it views as an Israeli attack on Lebanese sovereignty or as a breach of the rules of the game. And not only does it respond, it usually also takes responsibility. Hezbollah’s responses were also noted on the Golan Heights, where it has operated “envoys,” Syrian mercenaries, this year. Hezbollah is up to its neck in the civil war in Syria, where it sent about 5,000 of its 30,000 fighters. The battle is spilling over from Syria to Lebanon.
Hezbollah has suffered, and is suffering, difficult losses in these two fronts. But it hasn’t lost its confidence or its military capabilities. With the help of its up-to-date weapons, and especially its massive stockpile of up to 100,000 missiles, Hezbollah believes in its ability to challenge Israel, and, if need be, even stand up to it for a long period of time and to wear it out if the situation deteriorates to a war that none of the players in the equation – Israel, Hezbollah, and its patron Iran – wishes for.

In message to Israel after border attack Hezbollah says: We are ready to confront you
By REUTERS /10/08/2014 /BEIRUT – An attack by Hezbollah on Lebanon’s border with Israel which wounded two Israeli soldiers was a message that the group remained ready to confront its old foe despite its engagement in Syria’s civil war, the group’s deputy leader said. The soldiers were wounded by a bomb planted by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in the Shebaa hills, drawing Israeli artillery fire in response. It was the first time Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for an attack against the Israeli army since 2006, when the two sides fought a 33-day war. “This is a message.. Even though we are busy in Syria and on the eastern front in Lebanon our eyes remain open and our resistance is ready to confront the Israeli enemy,” Sheik Naim Qassem told Lebanese OTV television late on Tuesday.
Israel and Lebanon are technically at war but their 80-km (50-mile) border has been largely quiet since the 2006 conflict. Hezbollah members have been fighting alongside forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s civil war. The move by Hezbollah, which is backed by Shi’ite Iran, has helped turn the tide of the war in Syria against insurgents seeking to oust Assad. The group said it took the decision to fight in Syria to prevent jihadi fighters, like those from Nusra Front and Islamic State which seized parts of Syria and Iraq, from advancing into Lebanon. On Sunday, 10 of the group’s fighters were killed during a battle with hundreds of Nusra Front militants on the border in eastern Lebanon.

Qassem Says Shebaa Blast ‘Message to Israel’, Brital Attack ‘Total Failure’ for Militants
Naharnet /08.10.14/Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem on Tuesday described the bomb attack that targeted an Israeli patrol in the occupied Shebaa Farms as a message that is “addressed exclusively to Israel,” although it came two days after fierce battles with jihadist militants in Brital’s outskirts. “The bombs were detonated based on the movements of the enemy’s troops and this means that the resistance is ready and its eyes are open,” Qassem said in an interview on OTV.
“Israel knows that the resistance is vigilant and would respond to any retaliatory act,” added Qassem. Asked about the timing of the operation, the Hizbullah leader said the attack “was associated with the name of the martyr (Hizbullah member Hassan Ali) Haidar as one of the connotations, but the other connotation is that resistance is a right that we use at the appropriate timing.”He was referring to a Hizbullah bomb technician who was killed when Israel detonated a spy device in the southern town of Adloun in September.
In response to another question, Qassem described the operation as “a message that is addressed exclusively to Israel even if other parties might understand another connotation.”Earlier on Tuesday, Hizbullah claimed responsibility for a bomb attack in the Shebaa Farms that wounded two Israeli soldiers.“The group of the martyr Hassan Ali Haidar carried out the operation today, Tuesday at 2:22 p.m.,” it said. Separately, Qassem commented on Sunday’s deadly clashes with the Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front in the outskirts of the Bekaa border town of Brital, which were sparked by the group’s attack on several Hizbullah posts along the Eastern Mountain Range. Eight Hizbullah fighters and dozens of militants were killed in the battle, according to the Lebanese party.
“The militants’ presence in Qalamun’s mountains (in Syria) is a complicated thing and they are suffering a shortage in supplies. Their problem is that they are totally outside the villages, that’s why they are seeking to spread to (Syria’s) al-Zabadani, al-Jibbeh and Assal al-Ward, knowing that the battles in the entire Qalamun mountains area have not stopped,” said Qassem. “At times we took the initiative and at other times they tried to infiltrate,” Qassem noted. “We inflicted very heavy losses on the gunmen and dozens of them were killed. We regained the post that was briefly seized and we took 3 new posts,” he revealed. Hizbullah number two noted that a new battle might erupt in “all the posts linked to Qalamun’s mountains, which means al-Jibbeh, Assal al-Ward, Younine’s outskirts, Brital and Arsal’s outskirts.” “They are trying to advance through all these axes and meanwhile we’re trying to repel them with the least possible losses,” said Qassem. “Their operation was a total failure and it did not achieve its goals and yes, we lost some martyrs,” he added.

With brazen attack inside Israel, Hezbollah lays down new ground rules
BY AVI ISSACHAROFF October 7, 2014
The Times Of Israel
The ring of explosives detonated alongside an IDF patrol on the border with Lebanon on Tuesday was another in a series of messages from Hezbollah to Israel. It was a brazen attack, carried out inside Israeli territory, the message being that, from now on, every incident in which Israel causes Lebanese injuries will be greeted with a response along the Lebanese or Syrian borders
As opposed to other recent cross-border attacks, in which the perpetrators didn’t claim responsibility, the message this time was loud and clear: a full admission by Hezbollah. The claim of responsibility also gave a reason for the attack.
“The Group of the Martyr Ali Hassan Haydar detonated an explosive device in the Shebaa Farms,” the Shiite group said in a statement, using the Lebanese name for the Mount Dov region, where the attack took place.
Haydar was a Hezbollah sapper killed on September 5 in Lebanon while attempting to defuse an explosive device attached to an alleged Israel spying apparatus discovered that day. Hezbollah vowed revenge.
At first blush, the developments in Mount Dov, including the Hezbollah claim, appear to portend a larger conflagration on the horizon. The potential for a deterioration of the situation is only increasing, with the Shiite group trying to lay down new red lines for Israel — red lines that Israel is likely to cross: Israel will almost certainly continue to disrupt the smuggling of game-changing weapons from Syria to Lebanon (indeed, those violate Israel’s own avowed “red line”), “forcing” Hezbollah to respond the next time it or its allies come under IDF attack.
Still, there are no indications that either side has real interest in a sustained conflict. Israel, fresh out of a 50-day war in the Gaza Strip with a not-insignificant hole in its defense budget, is mostly looking for quiet. The leadership in Jerusalem, which well understands that another war is likely to damage its position, is wary of the consequences of a wide-ranging campaign against Hezbollah, with many more rockets hitting Israeli cities than during the conflict this summer, and many more casualties.
The Shiite organization, meanwhile, is taking advantage of Israel’s wariness in order to establish a new set of ground rules. And yet one doubts whether Hezbollah, which doesn’t have many available fighters, is seeking to escalate the situation to all-out war or even a more limited conflagration. The organization is tied up with a war that has already been raging for three years, fighting alongside President Bashar Assad’s forces. This week, eight of its fighters were killed in battles in Syria’s Qalamoun region. In all, a third of Hezbollah’s forces are currently in Syria, where they’re battling a plethora of Sunni extremist groups, including the notorious Islamic State.It’s thus likely that in the coming months we’ll see occasional flare-ups along the border but no all-out escalation. And yet, the outcome of Tuesday’s attack, which wounded two soldiers, could have been much worse, and one is forced to recall that in July 2006, no one predicted that a cross-border attack (with far more dire results) would precipitate the Second Lebanon War.

